In 2023, B&NES Council introduced emissions based charging in their public car parks in Bath.

Vehicles that emit more than 130 g/km of carbon dioxide (CO2) will pay more for their parking, but it's not always clear how much. This is being extended to all council car parks in the area.
Enter your vehicle registration number below and we'll show you how much you'll be paying.

By submitted your vehicle registration, you agree to us looking up your vehicle's fuel type, CO2 and engine size with the DVLA. This data is not stored anywhere.

Current Parking Charges

Emissions based charges are being rolled out into Keynsham, Saltford, Radstock and Midsomer Norton council car parks from November 2024.

Parking at on street pay and display locations in Bath will also be subject to emissions based charges from January 2025 (we'll work on updating this site to reflect those changes).

What is emissions based charging?

Is it a good tool to encourage change?

Emission-based charging is a system that charges drivers more for parking based on how much their vehicle pollutes. The goal is to encourage people to drive more sustainable vehicles and reduce air pollution.

Some say that emission-based charging is an important step to encourage people to use less polluting transportation. However, others say that it disproportionately affects people with lower incomes.

The systems usually use CO2 emissions and engine capacity data available from the DVLA to calculate charges.

The scheme aims to further improve pedestrian safety through improved air quality in Bath by encouraging owners of higher polluting vehicles to seek cleaner, more sustainable travel options rather than pay higher charges to park in the city centre.

Bath & North East Somerset Council

Charging based on emissions is expected to help reduce the amount of motor vehicle usage in Lambeth. These charges will encourage sustainable alternatives, such as public transport, cycling and walking, whilst encouraging the use of less polluting vehicles within the borough.

Lambeth Council

Bath & North East Somerset extended roll out in 2024/25

Plans to extend emissions based charging to on street locations in Bath and council car parks in neighbouring Keynsham, Radstock and Midsomer Norton

In July 2024, Bath and North East Somerset Council launched a public consultation seeking opinions on parking proposals, which included the introduction of emissions based parking charges to all Council managed paid for parking areas in Bath and North East Somerset.

These proposals also included the requirement for Motorbikes to pay to park in on street locations and council car parks, something which has historically been free to do. Motorbikes would be charged based on the engine capacity, scaled up to the equivalent charging band for a four wheeled vehicle.

The consultation closed on 8th August 2024, and it was announced on 28th October 2024 that emissions based charges would be extended to cover council-run car parks Keynsham, Saltford, Radstock, Midsomer Norton and on street locations in Bath.

This website is not affiliated with Bath & North East Somerset Council, and uses publicly available information.
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